TEAM MODERNIST ON Storytelling, Upcoming Webinar, and Talking Heads

This month we are sharing thoughts on the value of storytelling, the next quarterly Investment Insights webinar and some recent press mentions.

Portfolio perspectives

Thank you to all who attended our first Investment Insights webinar this spring. We’re excited to invite you to the next installment on Friday, August 4th at 12 PM Pacific Time. We will discuss Q2 2017 global market performance and trends across asset classes. We will also address the financial media’s recent focus on market valuations.

Click here to register for the webinar. If you are unable to join live, you will receive a recording via email. We hope to see you there!

Modernist takes it outside

Modernist President and Founder Georgia Lee Hussey was recently featured in a round-up of best investing tips on Bustle: “Need the money in 30 years? Take as much risk as you can. Need the money in 5 years? Take almost no risk.” Check out her insights in #25 and #28 in the full piece here!

She was also interviewed by the style leaders Kestrel Jenkins and Gretchen Jones on the Conscious Chatter x Good Support podcast about hedonic adaptation, why we became a B Corp, how an artist founded a wealth management firm, and aligning your politics with your financial life. Listen here! (52 minutes)

And she was named runner up on Portland Business Journal’s 40 under 40!

Storytelling and financial planning

Our Director of Operations, Liliya Jones, has penned an essay on the value of storytelling in supporting financial planning and behavioral change. The full article will be coming soon, but here is a sneak peek:

Modernist, along with the emerging consensus in the financial industry, believes that supporting positive behavioral change is the most valuable service that financial advisers can provide to their clients. And research shows that stories are a lot more effective than facts at getting people to change their mind or their behavior. So it falls on the financial life planner to help clients uncover and rewrite their money stories, describing their current relationship with money and their vision for future financial well-being.

Songs that are really about money stories

Talking Heads’ “Once in a Lifetime” is a warning against letting your (financial) life progress on autopilot: 

And you may find yourself / Behind the wheel of a large automobile / And you may find yourself in a beautiful house / With a beautiful wife / And you may ask yourself, well / How did I get here?

Making the decision to examine your money story, and, if necessary, re-write it can help you lead a more intentional life. Click below to listen.


We would love to hear your favorite songs about money or financial planning. Send us your suggestion and you may see it featured in a future newsletter!