TEAM MODERNIST ON Visioning, Our New Team Member, and Bob Dylan

This month we are focused on another of our core values: Innovate & Iterate. Our work with clients is focused on planning for the future, but there is much more to it than setting goals. This is true for personal as well as business planning. Read on for one of our favorite resources.

Nerds of note

Planning and creative problem solving are our bread and butter. Still, we sometimes find ourselves in a rut, struggling to understand a problem. That’s when we turn to one of the most radical visionaries we know – Jenn Armbrust, principal of Armbrust & Co.

Jenn’s work is advising on feminist business models. She guides her clients through a creative process she calls The Trimester Theory, comprised of four stages: inspiration, visioning, engineering, actualization. Though it’s tempting to jump straight to engineering, we reach more innovative solutions if we take the time to dream big and imagine a world beyond our current obstacle. In turn, we use the same strategy to help our clients clarify their values and goals before launching into retirement or cash flow planning.

If you are in need of some visioning, try this journaling exercise from Jenn’s Business Birthing Handbook:

What fascinates you?

What ignites your passions?

What are the needs of your body?

Where do you feel called to create?

What needs healing?

What do you want to innovate?

What change do you wish to spark?

What do you long for that doesn’t exist?

What could a business look like that integrates all of these?

Songs that are really about visioning

Speaking of responding to new visions, recent Nobel Laureate Bob Dylan wrote beautifully on this subject in his song “The Times They are A’Changin’.” Click below to listen.

Modernist updates

Our team has grown! Thanks to all who shared our job opening and referred candidates. We are happy to introduce our new Office Manager – Taylor Gomes. We know you will appreciate Taylor as much as we do when he welcomes you to our office. He is managing our space and calendars so we can serve all of our lovely clients and allies. Join us in offering a very warm welcome to Taylor!

Portfolio perspectives

Brexit – what’s that? Given the furor around the British vote to leave the EU in June, you might be surprised to know that on August 15, US markets hit an all-time high. For some investors’ that’s a new reason to worry – at the peak, the only way to go is down, right? Our latest Investment Committee Briefing tackles this question.

Bottom line: market highs are a record of where the market has been, rather than where it’s going.